Tuesday, September 30, 2008


You were the one i never thought I'd fall for.
You were that one guy out of everyone that was just my friend.
But isn't there a saying that you're supposed to fall in love with your best friend?
So doesn't it make sense that i fell in love with you?
That with every word, and every joke,
You made me fall faster and faster.
From the day i admited i liked you,
I haven't stopped, or liked you less.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

first blog

My first blog is being typed while i sit in the backseat of my crushes car, while he listens to his GPS. I just got done playing in the sand, and ocean. Its the most beautiful view i could ever see, that and seattle, which is the other view i got to see with him.
You know, you never realize how much someones changed your life until you look back, and then you see it clear. Idk, i just wonder what and if this is the right desicion.
Am i making the right desicion?
Is this really what i want?
Or should i just abandon the idea all together?

Anyways, that's enough ranting for my first blog, more later :)